You Can Pity the Poor Trucker: Just Don’t Trust Them in a Big Rig Accident
And while we’re at it, don’t count on the kindness of strangers in a truck accident either. With so much to lose, chances are you cannot trust the truck driver to tell the truth if he or she causes an expensive accident. If truck drivers are found to be liable for an accident, not only will they be fired, they might also find it impossible to land a new job after costing his or her previous employer enormous damages due to his or her negligence. Sometimes trucking companies will make the driver the “fall guy” and fire him outright, then cover the true and deeper responsibility, or some sort of negligence of the trucking company itself, for the accident in hopes of avoiding a lawsuit through respondeat superior.
And with the high unemployment rates in the United States, the temptation for that driver to lie or behave dishonestly in order to save their job is too great because that driver now runs the risk of losing a nice paycheck that supports his or her family.
After suffering an injury in a large commercial truck accident in which the driver of the truck claimed that our client was driving with his lights off at night, our investigators quickly examined the scene. They discovered a security camera outside a convenience store that was pointed directly its parking lot and the accident scene behind it. The footage clearly showed that our client’s headlights were shining brightly. We proved that the truck driver boldly lied. Witnesses and defendants can at-worst, lie and at-best, misrepresent the facts in trucking accident cases. The lawyers with our Law Firm know how to question witnesses, uncover their lies, and pressure them with the truth to stop their misrepresentations. Over the past decades, we have conducted thousands of 18-wheeler accident investigations and deposed hundreds of witnesses to get to the bottom of the case and won for our clients’ fair and just compensation by shining the light on the truth.
Our Law Firm has decades of experience handling personal injury litigation in 18-wheeler accident cases. If you or a loved one has been hit by one of these huge trucks, our expertise assures that you receive the fairest compensation possible for the injuries and pain you have suffered. We’ve helped deliver thousands of dollars to hundreds of accident victims in Texas. So if you or a loved one has been seriously injured in an accident, our experienced accident lawyers can help win the best compensation possible for you.
Call us today for a free consultation, and begin your road to real recovery and resume your life.